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CAFEC TH-2 Specialty Paper for Coffee

Regular price HK$45.00

“It is said that the taste of coffee is determined by roasting, but this is not the ultimate goal. Controlling the brewing speed and water temperature is also important.

As a pioneer of high-quality paper filters, CAFEC Nakatsuka hoped to find the answer to this question with paper; he continued to study papermaking technology, and eventually successfully developed three types of filter paper by changing the papermaking and drying process to control the appropriate brewing speed for light roasting, medium roasting and dark roasting.

Filter paper is a groundbreaking product that only CAFEC, which has been pursuing paper quality and coffee taste for many years, can produce!

"I want to see your smile every day while drinking coffee!" CAFEC will convey this idea to you.

For mellowness and sweetness

Thickness-2: Thickness 0.22 mm Density: Medium double-sided crepe (density: low height)

This paper has "double-sided crepe", but the density of the crepe is set lower. The water flow is steady in the first half of brewing, but suddenly stops in the second half. The fast and then slow water flow gives the coffee a mellow taste and sweetness.

Suitable for dark roasting

Quantity: 100 sheets
Capacity: Cup 1 (Hario 01)
Origin: Japan

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