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Regular price HK$200.00

Chelbesa is located at 2100 masl, near the town of Worka, Gedeb. Chelbesa is the largest growing area in Gedeb, with a total coffee farm area of ​​1,240 hectares. This particular station buys cherries from approximately 170 farmers in the area. Their farms averaged between 0.5 and 2 hectares in size and were established between 1925 and 2110. The cleaning station's location close to the farm means farmers don't have to transport cherries for more than 40 minutes to reach the cleaning station. The webmaster is Girum Assefa.

  • Taste: Floral, jasmine, peach, stone fruit, black tea
  • Variety: Welisho, Dega
  • Process: Fully Washed
  • Country: Ethiopia
  • Region: Worka/Gedeb/Gedeo
  • Altitude: 1,900-2,100m
  • Farm: Chelbesa
  • Roast: light roast
  • Baking place: Japan
  • Roasted date: July 19, 2024
  • Material: 100% coffee beans
  • Weight: 200g
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Remaining ancient buildings and houses in Kyoto. customs handed down. A rooted coffee culture. I believe that only with awareness and determination can we continue to protect ourselves. They are there to create another new coffee culture. It is a space created with something from one's own heart while keeping in mind the traditional Japanese look. I hope a little coffee can satisfy your five senses.

Although it is just a small front garden, the sun pours in, the rain nourishes it, the wind blows through it, and the seasons change. When following these events, it feels like no two days are the same. They also take great care with the coffee they brew while appreciating the daily changes.

Their goal is to roast coffee that is three-dimensional, sweet and sour, and has a long finish. They source and select their green beans locally, roast them to bring out their character, and use extraction techniques to create a cup of coffee.

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