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NAYA Imai Designer's Daruma (White) - Medium

Regular price HK$300.00 Sale price $600.00
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Toyooka Town, Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture is Japan's number one daruma (roly-poly) producer. Imai Daruma NAYA has a history of more than 90 years. Imai Daruma NAYA chief craftsman Imai Yuhisa was passionate about creating new contemporary styles of Daruma while preserving and protecting Daruma traditional style. All products in the designer series combine traditional and modern elements and have received a lot of positive feedback both in Japan and abroad. Imai Yuhisa is determined to transform the traditional The technique and art of making Daruma (tumbler) is passed down to future generations.

Designer's Dharma
The six lines on the front of the Daruma represent time from past to future. in da On each side of the grind , the concept "seven down and eight up" is written in Italian as a mathematical formula. "cadere" means to fall and "rialzarsi" means to stand up. We all fall from time to time in life, but falling is not failure. When we fall, we can always get back up and start over. We hope the designer’s daruma can guide you in your life.

Size: 200mm (height)
Material: paper

Origin: Japan

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